Worship Arts Blog – 12 Powers Project

Worship Arts Director Erin here. As we move through this Seeds of Intention series in our 2022 Tree of Life theme, now is a perfect time to re-engage with Unity basic teachings. I’ve done this several times before, always with interesting results, and once I even got a pretty good teaching song out of it.

This time I decided to use my visual side. A part of my job each week, I use the minister’s sermon notes and quotes to create content for our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. This time I’m trying it on the 12 Powers. Have a look at the results.


As with our social media posts, I use copyright clean pictures from Pixabay and Unsplash, and the general font guidelines that our communications folks advised.

More importantly, for each one, I first reviewed my notes from Paul Hasselbeck’s book PowerUp, which is an exploration and update of Charles Fillmore’s original concepts. I personally feel there may be many more powers than just Fillmore’s twelve, but the project gave me a fun frame to use for creative spiritual play.

I invite you to play too. Got a painting based on a Unity principle? A poem about Myrtle’s healing? A quilt that expresses our Tree of Life theme?  I’d love to see it. This is a great activity for children AND adults, at any stage of development in their creative medium.  Email erinm@seattleunity.org.