Worship Arts Design Meeting

Date and Time: Sunday, October 2, 2022 - 11:15 am - 12:15 pm

You’re Invited!

Any and all service attendees are invited to a one hour discussion that informs upcoming services – the music, the visuals, the entire worship experience.  Each month has a different focus, but they’re all about getting your input on the evolution of our worship services.  Do you have ideas about how to create great visuals for Halloween, or for the Christmas season?  Do you have ideas about observances for Spring Equinox, or Summer Solstice?  How about an interfaith project, or experiential worship elements like dance, or mudra, or yoga?   You don’t need any experience or expertise, either – if you attend our services, then your ideas matter!

Also, there are often snacks, too.



*As always, if you have input, but you can’t attend these meeting, email your thoughts about Worship Arts to erinm@seattleunity.org. I do read everything that gets past our spam filter.

Tags: WA, Worship Arts Design, Erin McGaughan