Sunday Service – Leap Forward
NOTE: we encountered several audio difficulties during this service, and the last few minutes of Karen’s message were lost.
Apologies to our online viewers, and MANY THANKS for those let us know about this technical issue so that we did not lose the entire service recording.
Our online viewers are sometimes the only way we are alerted to these kinds of issues — THANK YOU for your feedback.
9:00 AM Sunday Meditation
L1 Focus Room
10:00 AM Sunday Service
L2 Sanctuary
Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: David Comeaux, Ben Schauland
Worship Arts: Steve Peha, Dahlia Cohen, Shana Pennington-Baird, Rif Reif, Olivia Hamilton, Josh Rawlings, Erin McGaughan
Staff: Karen R. Smith, Michael O’Larick, MaSanda LaRa Gadd.
11 AM Community, Coffee, & Snacks
L3 Unity Hall
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Tags: Generations, coming events, this week, online, Sunday Service