Sunday Service – The Road That Meets Us
“… we should receive from the flower, not merely a beautiful image to which the label ‘flower’ has been affixed, but the full impact of its unimaginable beauty and wonder, the direct sensation of life having communion with life: that the scents of ceasing rain, the voice of trees, the deep softness of the kitten’s fur, the acrid touch of sorrel on the tongue, should be themselves profound, complete, and simple experiences, calling forth simplicity of response in our souls.”
Evelyn Underhill
9:00 AM Sunday Meditation
L1 Focus Room
10:00 AM Sunday Service
L2 Sanctuary
Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: David Comeaux, Ben Schauland
Worship Arts: Tommie Burton, Mary and Alexander Kemp, Leslie Jones, Mitch Hunter, Erin McGaughan, Olivia Hamilton, Jesse Whitford, David Loy
Staff: Karen R. Smith, Michael O’Larick, MaSanda LaRa Gadd.
11 AM Coffee, Snacks, & Soup
L3 Unity Hall
11:30 AM Qigong
L2 Meditation Hall
11:30 AM St. Patrick’s Day Celebration & Movie: Lucky
L3 Unity Hall
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Tags: Generations, coming events, this week, online, Sunday Service