Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Birth of Love

Date and Time: Sunday, December 18, 2022 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am

“The rebirth of the sun at winter solstice signifies renewal for the earth as she embarks on another cycle of life. And, because we are children of the earth, we can take part in this sacred cycle, feeling the renewal of our own life.” – Scott Awbrey


10:00 AM Sunday Service

Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Worship Arts: Kiki deLohr Helland, Andrea Cariño, Felix Marcial, Chad Zinda, Sienna Geal, Olivia Hamilton, Jesse Whitford, David Loy, Erin McGaughan
Technical Audio:  Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: Phil Homan, David Comeaux, Ben Schauland
Prayer Chaplains (In-Person):
Prayer Chaplains (Online):
Community Guides:
Staff: Karen R. Smith


11 AM After Service:

Fellowship in Unity Hall – Bring & Enjoy Light Refreshments
XYZennials: Brunch Across Generations

Wednesday Services:

5:00 pm Prayer Service (Online )
7:00 pm Contemplative Solstice Chant, 12/21, in lieu of 6:00 pm Spiritual Oasis Meditation

Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve Candlelighting, 12/24
Christmas Day Service, 12/25
Burning Bowl Service, 1/1/2023
White Stone Service, 1/8/2023

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Tags: Birth of Love, coming events, this week, Chaplains, youtube, vimeo, facebook, Giving & Receiving, Year of Trees, South Lake Union, online, Sunday Service