Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Taproot

Date and Time: Sunday, November 13, 2022 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots. -Victor Hugo


10:00 AM Sunday Service

Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Worship Arts:  Sage Suzerris, Scott Meihn, Inez Lindsey, Andrea Cariño, Olivia Hamilton, Jesse Whitford, David Loy, Erin McGaughan
Technical Audio:  Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream:  Phil Homan
Prayer Chaplains: Annie Christensen, Gail Crumpton, and Johnnie Woods
Staff: Karen R. Smith


Second Sundays are Outreach Sundays!
Outreach supports wonderful organizations such as Mary’s Place, Compass Housing, and Youthcare. More here.

Tickets for This Saturday: Night of Delights, Dinner, Dancing!
This is our autumn gratitude celebration, and we’d love to have you with us.  We even have two live bandsTickets and more info.

A Night of Delights & Fundraising Gratitude


After the Service:
– Join us in Unity Hall for Fellowship & snacks.  Please bring something if you can!
Intuition Group meets in L1 Focus Room.

5:00 Prayer Service (Online)
6:00 Spiritual Oasis Meditation Series (in-person)

8:30 am Men’s Fellowship Group
5:30 pm A Night of Delights


Get Ready For:
12/3 A One Day Workshop: Astrological Archetypes
12/4 Our First Community Potluck
12/4 Let’s Decorate for the Holidays!
12/11 Christmas Breakfast Hosted by the Men’s Group


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Tags: Night of Delights!, Taproot, Sunday Service