Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Summer’s End

Date and Time: Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am

So divinely is the world organized that every one of us, in our place and time, is in balance with everything else. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


10:00 AM Sunday Service

Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Reader: Mike Brennan
Technical Audio:  Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: Phil Homan
Worship Arts Guest: Alisa Galper
Staff: Karen R. Smith


After the Service:

Class Series: Unity Principles & Practices
Women’s Group

This Week:

5:00 Wednesday Prayer Service
6:00 Wednesday Spiritual Oasis Meditation Series
7:00 Friday – Comedy Night – Tickets Here!

Next Sunday:

Worship Arts Design Meeting
October Newsletter Published



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Tags: balance, Creating Balance With Love, Sunday Service