Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Pride In Unity
We choose Unity. In harmony with the divine Spirit we stand, so we may live in a spiritually awakened world that is continually evolving.
2nd Unity Principle: every person is an original blessing.
Welcome! Join us for our Sunday program! Please note this week we are online only.
10:00 AM Sunday Service – Pride in Unity
Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Yoga meditation: Fran Gallo
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: Phil Homan
Thank you to: Gayle Macy, Chad Zinda, Felix Marcial, Olivia Hamilton, Tiffany Wilson, David Loy, Jesse Whitford, Mitch Hunter, Desi Bailey, Jan Campbell, Joan Gregory, Chris Sullivan, Michael O’Larick, Scott Meihn, Luis Hernandez, and all the other community members who contributed Happy Pride video.
Staff: Karen R. Smith
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Tags: #chooseunity, #seattlepride, pride, Sunday Service