Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Happy Mother’s Day!
Date and Time: Sunday, May 8, 2022 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am
“Some of the best times of your life will be as a parent. Some of the worst times of your life will be as a parent. And sometimes, these may be 30 minutes apart.” Madeleine Rivard
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10:00 AM Sunday Service
Thank you:
Senior Minister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
Associate Minister: Diane Robertson
Worship Arts: Stephanie Anne Johnson, Erin McGaughan, David Loy, Olivia Hamilton, Rose Ramm, Gen Gamble, and Colby Wilk
Reader: Donna Hutchinson
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: David Comeaux
Prayer Chaplains (In-Person): Colleen, Susan
Prayer Chaplains (Online): Kathleen, Dian
Staff: Karen R. Smith
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Tags: Sunday Service