Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Diversity in Unity

Date and Time: Sunday, June 27, 2021 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Together we embrace our individuality. We celebrate our uniqueness with full acceptance of all people, including every expression of the Divine. We come together with love and compassion to be a light for all. We stand together in Unity. -Unity’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Statement


10:00 AM Sunday Service
(Service will play in the image above, or click here.)

Order of Service
Opening Music
Talk – Diversity in Unity
Closing & Prayer for Protection
Closing Music
Thank yous:
Associate Minister: Diane Robertson;
Community Representative: Chad Zinda and Felix Marcial;
Worship Arts Team: Frederick Hagreen, Erin McGaughan, Orlando Morales, Scott Meihn, Faith Agee, and Olivia Hamilton;
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton;
Technical Livestream: Phil Homan;
Staff: Karen R. Smith.
We Are Family, performed by Erin and Band, written by Edwards/Rodgers;
How Could Anyone Ever Tell You, performed by Erin and Band, written by Libby Roderick;
Rainbow, performed by Frederick and Band, written by Kacey Musgraves, et al;
Born This Way, performed by Frederick and Band, written by Lady Gaga, et al;
Wherever I Am, performed by Scott and Band, written by Erin McGaughan.


10:45 AM Sunday Fellowship

Join Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 858 3416 1190
Password: 319318
Need to call in using your phone?
Dial +1 253 215 8782


12:00 PM Children’s Church Zoom Service  – on 2nd & 4th

Contact our Youth & Family Director, Heidi, to join.


Information on Interfaith Panel at Seattle’s Pride Celebration!

Tags: pride, queer, lgbtqx, Sunday Service