Seattle Unity Sunday Service – Diversity in Unity
Together we embrace our individuality. We celebrate our uniqueness with full acceptance of all people, including every expression of the Divine. We come together with love and compassion to be a light for all. We stand together in Unity. -Unity’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Statement
10:00 AM Sunday Service
(Service will play in the image above, or click here.)
Order of Service
Opening Music
Talk – Diversity in Unity
Closing & Prayer for Protection
Closing Music
Thank yous:
Associate Minister: Diane Robertson;
Community Representative: Chad Zinda and Felix Marcial;
Worship Arts Team: Frederick Hagreen, Erin McGaughan, Orlando Morales, Scott Meihn, Faith Agee, and Olivia Hamilton;
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton;
Technical Livestream: Phil Homan;
Staff: Karen R. Smith.
We Are Family, performed by Erin and Band, written by Edwards/Rodgers;
How Could Anyone Ever Tell You, performed by Erin and Band, written by Libby Roderick;
Rainbow, performed by Frederick and Band, written by Kacey Musgraves, et al;
Born This Way, performed by Frederick and Band, written by Lady Gaga, et al;
Wherever I Am, performed by Scott and Band, written by Erin McGaughan.
10:45 AM Sunday Fellowship
Join Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 858 3416 1190
Password: 319318
Need to call in using your phone?
Dial +1 253 215 8782
12:00 PM Children’s Church Zoom Service – on 2nd & 4th
Contact our Youth & Family Director, Heidi, to join.
Information on Interfaith Panel at Seattle’s Pride Celebration!
Tags: pride, queer, lgbtqx, Sunday Service