Seattle Unity Sunday Service – What Does it Mean to be Patriotic?
We welcome you and look forward to having you join us.
9:00 AM Sunday Morning Meditation, hosted by Laura Hebert
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Meeting ID: 403 861 0965
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Dial: +1 253 215 8782
10:00 AM Sunday Service – What does it mean to be patriotic?
by Associate Minister Diane Robertson. Music from Jimmie Herrod. Announcements including New Facility updates and Spirit Group meetings, with special invitation from Umoja from chaplain and lead facilitator Gail Crumpton.
“Patriotism is about building each other up and embracing our diversity as the source of our nation’s strength.” Barbara Hall and David Grae
10:45 AM Sunday Fellowship, Hosted by Stephanie & Todd
Join Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 858 3416 1190
Password: 319318
Need to call in using your phone?
Dial +1 253 215 8782
Tags: Sunday Service
Sunday Service
Welcome! Join us for our Sunday program!
9:00 AM Sunday Meditation
L1 Focus Room
10:00 AM Sunday Service
L2 Sanctuary
Thank you:
CoMinister: Rev. Karen Lindvig
CoMinister: Rev. Diane Robertson
Technical Audio: Nick Charlton
Technical Livestream: David Comeaux, Ben Schauland
Worship Arts: Erin McGaughan
Staff: Karen R. Smith, Michael O’Larick, MaSanda LaRa Gadd.
11 AM Community, Coffee, & Snacks
L3 Unity Hall
See list below for this week’s events!
Upcoming Unity Events:
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Tags: Generations, coming events, this week, online, Sunday Service