Outreach Sundays

Date and Time: Sunday, November 8, 2037 - 11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Outreach & Outreach Meetings

Second Sundays are Outreach Sundays!  We welcome Outreach donations at any time, and especially consider Outreach during the Offering on 2nd  Sundays of every month.

Outreach is a great way to “walk our talk” and support wonderful organizations such as Mary’s Place, Compass Housing, and Youthcare.

  • On our website: click the Give button in the top right corner of any page, then use the pull-down menu to specify the fund “Outreach”.
  • Via text: text the dollar amount and the word “Outreach” to 206.350.8448, i.e.  25 Outreach.
  • In person: using the Outreach envelopes provided at the Prayer & Offering box.

Additionally, we will be having Outreach meetings in the L1 Focus Room after the Service – all welcome!





Tags: Youthcare, Compass Housing, Mary's Place, Outreach Sundays, walking our talk