Four Class Series: EFT Tapping

Date and Time: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

April Class Series: EFT

From 6:00 – 7:00 pm Wednesdays (Now Both In-Person and via Zoom)

Join Transformational Coach Jean Jung for a class series on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT or “tapping”).  EFT is an acupressure self-regulation tool that quickly releases emotional/energetic blocks, often having a profound effect on physical issues, including pain. You will learn about the history and science* behind EFT, hear about case studies, then dive in to practice and experience the amazing benefits of tapping from the very first class.


Each week, we will focus our tapping in a specific life area:
  • Health/Fitness,
  • Career/Finances,
  • Family/Relationships, &
  • Creativity/Play.
Integrating Unity principles, this class is designed to support you to manifest your visions and goals.

Join us for the series and practice EFT to support living your best life! All levels and ranges of physical ability are welcome. Participants should dress comfortably for movement including socks you can remove, and bring a notebook or journal, writing and/or drawing instruments, yoga mat, and a water bottle.

Series $30
Drop Ins $15
Register below.


Jean Jung is a Transformational Coach who facilitates the release of emotional blocks and limiting beliefs so you can embody your true self and manifest your deep dreams and desires.
Find out more at


*EFT is an evidence-based practice that significantly improves anxiety, depression, cravings, phobias, PTSD, and increases happiness. EFT is also associated with positively impacting cortisol levels, heart rate variability, resting heart rate, blood pressure levels, and epigenetic effects on inflammation and immunity. A landmark study published in 2012 in the prestigious Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, found that EFT lowered cortisol by 43%, significantly more than traditional talk therapy or resting. Sending calming messages to the amygdala, EFT allows the rewiring of neural pathways, often having a profound impact on physical issues, as well.

For further specifics, review this abstract published by the National Library of Medicine.



Zoom info can be found in your confirmation email.

Tags: Jean Jung, Transformational Coach, EFT, Tapping, Acupressure