Sunday Service Podcast September 5th – Alchemy of Service II

“I do this instead of complaining, because now I feel like I’m building hope —  hope for the homeless individuals, their families and our city, and I also restoring my own hope that through acts of service small groups of dedicated people can help change the world.”

Senior Minister Rev. Karen Lindvig quotes Board member George Edwards, who wrote about the work he and wife Kathy are doing with The Hope Factory. This is just one example of how our community members walk the talk, serving in their daily lives. In our continued examination of The Alchemy of Service, Rev. Karen uses these and other real-life examples to highlight how work, fueled by love, can change the world for the better.  Dian and Mike Brennan also gave an Outreach update, and a special reading entitled On Work, by Kahlil Gibran 

Rev. Karen’s talk begins at 18:31 in this podcast.

Our Worship Arts team this time includes special guests Jeff Fielder and Teka Waterfield. Full service video is here.

Please join us in person next Sunday, at 10 a.m. at our Sodo venue, Metropolist.

And take advantage of all the ways we can stay connected,  including after-service fellowship, Daily Prayer Boosts, and Wednesday evening prayer services.  And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram, for shareable quotes from our lesson notes, readings, and more.

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