Sunday Service Podcast March 21st – Leading from Within

“She started working these practices, and when I say working it, she was *working* it. She was actually living this fifth principle.”

Associate Minister Diane Robertson takes a first step into our new series Alchemy of Leadership. Pulling from her current ministerial training materials, she introduces us to Francis W. Foulks, who wrote Effectual Prayer, and also edited many early Unity materials, including Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters. Francis exemplifies the fifth Unity principle, in that she rooted her work in meditation and silence, but then brought that divine connection out into the world. This kind of spiritually well-rooted action effects great changes and lasting benefits for all.

Our Worship Arts includes special guest Darrius Willrich.  Check out the full service video here.

Take advantage of all the ways we can stay connected during this time, including after-service fellowship, Daily Prayer Boosts, and Wednesday evening prayer services. And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram for more, including quotes from our lesson notes, readings, and more.

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