Sunday Service Podcast August 30th – All In This Together

“Are we looking through the glass, and looking for the horizon… or are we focusing on the spots on the window?”

Guest speaker Don Barton joins us from Christ Church Unity in Orlando, Florida, bringing his Florida flavor, along with some lovely underscoring from the CCU staff pianist. Don looks at the Unity principle of Oneness, and how we can continue to see manifestations of oneness all around us. We can do this every day, even during social distancing, even on Zoom, even on Facebook.

The talk (with Associate Minister Diane Robertson’s introduction) begins at 13:45.

Music comes from Seattle Unity’s own Worship team.  Go here for the full service video.

Take advantage of all the ways we can stay connected during this time, including after-service fellowship and Wednesday evening Zoom services.  And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram for more, including quotes from our lesson notes, readings, and more.

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