Meets 3rd Saturdays from 8:30 to 11 am, in person in Unity Hall!
The Seattle Unity Men’s Group was formed 11 years ago by a group of Unity Congregants who noticed that after Sunday Service the women were gathered in dynamic conversations while the men were standing around, alone and silent. We wanted to foster a spiritual connection based on honesty and trust with these silent observers. So 10 of us got together with the objective of introducing, and getting to know the men at Seattle Unity.
Soon we were holding monthly meetings with about 20 regular attendees. It was obvious there was a hunger for spiritual connection among the men at Unity. The group was formed with the idea that we would not be teaching an agenda, but rather developing a spiritual connection through confidential sharing on a given topic each month - no feedback or advice would be allowed.
Being heard and valued for what we shared from our hearts was to be the basis for our spiritual connection. We also felt it necessary for each member to be able to be in a conversation within a small subgroup to state what is going on in their life at this time, and perhaps how their awareness of these events was shaping their outlook on life, either positively, or negatively. A short business meeting, a poem read by a member, and a joke or two, is worked in at the end of a meeting. We close with a prayer.
New participants are always welcome to try us out. Most of us are from Seattle Unity although that is not prerequisite. A few of us come and go as other commitments enter our lives. Many of us are regulars however, because we feel a need for this spiritual connection in our lives that is not met in any other way.
We are not a club or a clique; we don’t have dues or even a secret handshake. We are not a “self-help group,” so no advice is offered. We honor what is True for you, and share a love for one another regardless of our differences. This is a miraculous place to explore feeling accepted, accepting others, having empathy, and forgiveness of yourself and others.
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