Sunday September 29th – “Sacred Action out of Stillness”
Speaker: Diane Robertson
Reader: Charlie Manger
Music: Sarah Russell
Sunday’s Message: “Sacred Action out of Stillness”
In addition to the service:
Contemplative Meditation at 9 am upstairs
Service is at 10 am in the main space
Youth & Infant Care begins at 9:45 am (classes at 10 am) at the front space
Today: Metropolist Game Day Kick Off!
Stay after the service to enjoy game day food, fun and fellowship with Metropolist Team.
Earthcare meets on the 1st Sunday @ 11:15
Intuition Circle meets on the 2nd Sunday @ 11:15
Outreach Team meets on 2nd Sunday @ 11:15
Writer’s Circle meets on the 3rd Sunday 11:15
Prayer Shawl Team meets the 3rd Sunday @ 11:15
Healing Sunday happens the on 4th Sunday @ 11:15
Quest meets the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday @ 11:15 –**MEETING THIS SUNDAY
Worship Arts meets the on last Sunday 11:15 – **DOES NOT MEET THIS SUNDAY
If you have any questions please go to the information table and staff will help you.
We podcast all services. Podcasts are updated and posted to the website by Friday each week.