Pride & Spirituality: Our Own Mitch Hunter Featured on KIRO News!
KIRO 7 is celebrating Pride month, “highlighting stories from the LGBTQIA+ community that inspire change and acceptance.” Mitchell C. Hunter is featured, demonstrating his spirituality through personal practice as a member of Seattle Men’s chorus, as a member at Seattle Unity, and through inspiring those around him with his story.
“To see that each person has their own connection to… belonging and to be loved and to love is… how I want to walk in the world,” says Mitch.
Rev. Diane Robertson, Associate Minister, is also quoted introducing Seattle Unity’s thought. “Part of our mission is to be inclusive and diverse, welcoming to all people, races, and different ages, and different religious backgrounds – or no religious background.” This acceptance is the very essence of Pride.
See the full interview here:
(You may need to scroll within the following frame to see the full picture or access mute/unmute.)
Mitch was also recently interviewed on LGBTQIA+ and Religion Acceptance on Good Day Seattle of FOX 13. To hear more from him you can also go here to see more of his story.
Seattle Pride Magazine has also featured us in an article on “all things LGBTQIA+ weddings!” which you can read here.