Prayer Requests & Support

Online Prayer Requests

You can request prayer online in the prayer box below, or in the chat during the Service.

More options below, or right.

Prayer Support is Available via

  • Connect with a Prayer Chaplain
  • Drop a prayer request / intention in the prayer box before or after the Sunday service
  • Contact Silent Unity via email, text, or by calling 1.816.969.2000
  • Join us for Heart of Prayer class – offered each year, usually in the spring.
  • The Daily Word provides daily inspirational readings.

In-Person Prayer Requests

On Sundays we have Prayer Chaplains available to pray with you after the Service - please feel free to ask one of them to pray with you!

If you'd prefer, we also have a prayer box located on an altar table in the L2 Lobby (between the Sanctuary doors and the Meditation Hall). Please feel free to include a request for prayer for yourself or others.

We try to include these in the Service that day, but every once in a while we are not able to (there can be complications in getting the prayer slips to the minister in time). Please know that these (and all) prayer requests are still honored by members of the Prayer Team, who hold you or your loved one in prayer every day for the following week, praying that the highest and best manifest for you or your loved one.

As always, all matters of prayer are held in strict confidence.

Prayer Wisdom

Prayer is the foundation of both the Unity movement and of Seattle Unity. Along with meditation, prayer is one of the keys to bringing into manifestation all that we wish for our lives.

An early Unity writer, Emily Cady, said:

“Practice the Presence of God as you would practice music.”

Does Prayer Really Work?

How about tithing or the Law of Mind Action? What does it mean to have God serve through you? In each class we have the chance to explore these concepts and put them into action to see if they do. Classes offer a springboard to “walk our talk” and to bring ideas from something we have read or talked about into something we live.
