Gratitude from your Seattle Unity Engagement Team
Gratitude from your Seattle Unity Engagement Team
We are so grateful for the fantastic response to our community-wide engagement survey, which ran throughout March. Sixty-four attendees completed the survey, covering a range of topics including preferred formats for worship services, classes and workshops and/or special events. In addition to your responses, helping to prioritize and inform future engagement programming, the information provided will also aid the Parkview events team and church administration to continuously improve services and offerings.
Following a briefing and recommended next steps, Seattle Unity’s board of trustees will deliberate to determine a future program of work. Some interesting high-level findings indicated that the majority of respondents learned about Seattle Unity through an introduction from a friend or family member and 25% have attended less than 10 years. Growing our membership and attendance is a key objective for your Engagement Team, so this information tells us that when we invite friends and loved ones to join us, whether for a worship service, a class, workshop or social occasion, we are helping to expand Seattle Unity’s capacity to reach more people and provide greater opportunities for involvement and belonging.
If you would be interested in getting involved with the Engagement Team and the future program of work the Board approves, please reach out to Cindy McComish, Engagement Team Lead.