Engagement Team Survey – Three Minutes!


We enjoyed hearing your great ideas for making the Seattle Unity community bigger, better, and stronger at  our Engagement team community conversations last Fall. To put all those terrific ideas into action, we need to increase community member involvement, and build capacity to initiate new programs and projects!

That’s why we’re asking for just three minutes of your valuable time to respond to our Community Engagement Survey this March. While responses will be anonymously aggregated, we need a high percentage of community member feedback (virtual OR in-person), to validate our results and give us confidence to carry out the program of work that matters most to you.


What can you expect and when can you expect it?

1) If you’re signed up to receive Events, Services or Newsletter emails, you’ve gotten a link to the March Survey!

2) You can also take the survey in-person at any Sunday Service until the survey closes at midnight, March 29.

3) We are committed to:

  • sharing the percentage of participation we collected;
  • a timeline for next steps;
  • tangible actions of interest to you in the May Newsletter.

4) You get:

  • pride in making a valuable contribution to your spiritual home;
  • our gratitude! Plus a small token of appreciation for making time to help us build community;
  • a more responsive Seattle Unity experience for current and future community members.


Thank you, all!



– Denise Giambalvo, Grace Carlson, and the full Engagement Team

