Youth and Family Ministries in April 

April YFM   3/26, Sunday, Ramadan: We celebrate the 5 pillars of Islam: let’s make a positive difference in our world with joy, compassion, and wonder?  4/2, Palm Sunday: Jesus brought his message into Jerusalem and was profoundly welcomed by people and nature.  How can we get in tune with life and bring a message of…

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Building Art Series: ‘Spectrum” & “Unity Lights” by Artist Jennifer Bolles

Look closely at artist Jennifer Bolles’ Unity Lights triptych (right) and her Spectrum diptych (below) and discover delightfully unexpected details that lift the spirit in much the same way the artist’s buoyant essence uplifts those who engage with her. Both works of art were specifically designed for Seattle Unity, and their respective paths to manifestation reflect the…

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