Archive for June 2020
Race Issues: The Soul Protests
In follow up to discussions we have been having lately, we are gathering resources of what was talked about here. Included in this post you can find: The Letter from Rev. Karen, The Soul Protests, and a link to her talk on the same topic, Places to research to support POC and educate yourself, Information…
Read MoreChildren’s Church – Meditation with Julia
Join Julia Nathe with a Meditation for releasing what no longer serves us. “Gather several pillows and several blankets, if you’re feeling like you need to get super cosy!” -Julia
Read MoreChildren’s Church – Your Thought is Your Choice
What we believe about our problems is more important than the actual problem. The intention of this lesson is to understand the power of our thoughts and that in every situation, we can choose our response. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control what we think about what…
Read MoreJune 2020 Seattle Unity Newsletter
– IN THIS ISSUE – Sunday & Wednesday Online Services A Letter from Rev. Karen Race Issues & White Privilege Spirit & Home Groups Certainty in Uncertain Times Read More
Read MoreSunday Service Podcast June 21st – Father’s Day
“I think that we as grandparents should hold in trust institutions, our country, our world, for our grandchildren… to hold in trust what we have, and make sure that we pass it on.” Today’s Father’s Day celebration service is a little longer than usual Sunday Services, because it includes the slideshow of Congregants’ Fathers, as…
Read MoreSunday Service Podcast June 14th
“COVID-19 knows no boundary of country, it knows no boundary of race or culture or religion… apparently knows no boundary of age… of language. COVID-19 demonstates exceptionally clearly how incredibly interconnected we all are, and calls us to a kind of mutual support, should we wish to survive, as humankind on this planet.” Today’s talk…
Read MoreSunday Service Podcast June 7th
“So we are at a crossroads, and we can try to keep the status quo or we can move forward with tremendous change and transformation.” Rev. Karen Lindvig speaks to the protests and unrest over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmad Arbery and so many others. How do we take action that creates…
Read MoreSunday Service Podcast May 31st – Be Attitude
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be…
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